Well the boy was announced last week, closing off CYS, AKA The New Faces, AKA The Band, and in this, officially known as 'Team Orochi', which basically answers any questions about Orochi's involvement. (How? We can't say. We just know they're called Team Orochi, and in Yashiro's announcement, the Four Heavenly Kings were mentioned...so could we see Goenitz, as well?)
In all of his super-fast glory.
Quality-wise, this trailer was excellent I felt; probably one of the best yet just in terms of actual showing off. While they still didn't drop new system mechanics, they showed off a nice portion of Chris' kit, and it wasn't too short, either. It showed off some things like EX Scramble Dash(which hits low from across the damn screen), the classic jump CD(how terrifying will it be this time?) and EX Shooting Dancers. I legit think he was a good watch and he looks like he'll be great fun to play. His climax was sweet too. He seems to still look like a little shit, which is perfect.
And oh yeah, the greetings are intact! Which is important. All in all, great trailer, he looks like fun, and it's awesome to see the band back together after so long!
BUT...as for new system Mechanics...
We DID see something new in this OTHER new trailer! Welcome, Ryo and Robert!!
After a very cool intro(one of the coolest intros IMHO, we need more like this-a nice shout-out to AOF3 here), we are greeted with some pretty good gameplay between the two of them(PS: I DEMAND a Ralf&Clark trailer, since now duo trailers are on the menu.). We get to see them do a bunch of their classic moves, we have projectiles available, and it's always nice when they showcase some actual combat between the two(like they did in the Fatal Fury trailer.)
(As a side note, King is capping out this team, it turns out! While it wasn't my first guess, it was my second-I do think the WFT is going to be some combo now of Mai, Yuri, and one of the new 14 ladies. I was leaning a little more toward King being on WFT, but this was not the first time she made an appearance on AoF; the other two times she did were 2000, and XI.) Ironically, I had tripped over a very old prediction list(from like, August or something-way back there), and I had King on the AoF team. I had changed it later after thinking. You know what they say about going with your first instinct.
So this now brings the completed teams up to five: Hero Team(Shun'ei, Meitenkun and Benimaru), Sacred Treasures(Kyo, Iori, Chizuru), Fatal Fury(Terry, Andy, Joe), Orochi(Yashiro, Shermie, Chris), and now Art of Fighting(Ryo, Robert, King.)
This will be Benimaru's 5th time on the Hero Team-the last time he was here was, to be sure, XI. (ST's last appearance, which I mentioned before, was sorta '03-they entered solo, but had a team story. It was kinda weird.)
As for the new mechanic! you see it a few times in the video, and it has a purpley looking aura around it. While no one knows the name of it, it seems to be an amalgamation of 12's and Neowave's guard breaks/attacks. In 12, the move wasn't unblockable, and didn't blow back, but did inflict crumple. In Neowave, it had armor and blew back. In this one, it blows back in the air, inflicts crumple on the ground, and is blockable; it also appears to be armored, but I can't 100% tell for sure(it seems like it one of the times in the video.) So yeah; it LOOKS like a mix.
I'm not sure if it's safe; Ryo seemed to be pretty late on his punish there(their DP startup is both 4f-according to current frame data, we dunno if they'll be changing this), but again, it does appear to be armored. It might not be *incredibly* unsafe though. It does also look like it can potentially mess with delayed blockstrings, which yeah, may require this thing to have a cost otherwise. I kinda feel like it'll get too out of hand if it didn't.
I suspect-back to pure speculation-this is going to cost some sort of meter. Which brings me back again to the OTHER speculation that I have that we're going to have two resources. I can't say how they are going to be divided up yet, but I think for now we can break down what we have.
So what do we have so far?
Going down the line of Stuff Shown In Videos, mechanic-wise, we have:
-Some sort of 'max mode' like thing, with the blue aura. We have seen it raw activated(in Mai's trailer), but we have yet to see a Quick Max combo(to my knowledge, but someone may have missed it in the past trailers.) We really don't know what else this thing does, though, besides enable those dream cancel things(see below.) We haven't really seen it do anything else(now that EX stuff can be used outside of it). So I think this will be a wait and see thing.
-Super Cancels, and then Dream/Climax Cancel back(depending on how you want to spin it; it's basically a level 2 to level 3 cancel. I'm old school so I still use Dream Cancel.) This appears to be able to be used IN this max mode and it ends the mode. We do not know if it's useable outside of this mode yet(we have not seen it done so.) You can cancel a level 1 to a level 2, to a level 3. The first two do not end the mode.
-EX moves useable outside of said mode.
-The 'new' guard break blowback/crumple attack.
-Just Defend still exists(not a metered thing but a thing that exists.)
So right here there's four things and I'm again guessing that last thing is going to cost meter of some kind. Given that I can see Guard Cancel Roll still in(which traditionally costs some meter), this is a big reason why I've been speculating we will get two meters/resources for this(besides the marketing on the website which I mentioned in previous blogs.) If we only have one, it might get *too* overloaded. Even with EX moves only costing say half a meter, I kinda feel like there will be a bit too much loaded on.
With some more thought(branching out from older blogs), the potential two resources could be split several ways; I'm just not sure how it would be split for sure. Part of me thinks they might link the EX meter with the Max mode gauge(leaving Supers on another with this new mechanic to be decided.) Another side thinks they might link EX's/this new mechanic and max/supers on another. And again-we don't even know if there are *other* mechanics yet. There's a lot we still don't know to make total calls, but I have noticed, going around social media and the like, that a 2 resource system seems to be generally suggested more often than not. So unless they're taking a *lot* of people for a ride, I think there's some stuff here to make a few educated guesses.
Anyway, looking forward to next week then! Also, SNK, when it comes time...please?
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