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Thursday, March 25, 2021

Welcome Back, Yashiro!


Yes, with the previous silhouette(which I figured was either Ryo, Yashiro, or distantly Shen, a Newcomer or a buffed up Shingo), I was HOPING it was Yashiro, and I was not disappointed! 

He is definitely looking good(I haven't had a chance to do the analysis of the trailer itself yet for the moves-just watched it a couple times so far), but he's looking good. He was always fun to play and was one of my top 10 wishlist characters, so definitely super happy he is back. I REALLY love how he looks in this overall. The little touches are amazing-the 1997 belt(as if he popped back, went back to the apartment and threw on his old duds again), the moves list, the whole nine. I look forward to seeing how he's going to run under this new system. (Which, of course, we still don't know a lot about yet. They are STILL being cryptic with it.) 

So far, my top 10 has been(Adel is the only one in a 'spot' the rest are just listed):

1. Adelheid

2-4. CYS(let's face it the other two will be in but let's do this by the book)

5. Krizalid

6. Duo Lon

7. Chizuru

8. Ash

9. Elisabeth

10. Shen

Ya all know my feelings about the Adelheid/Heidern team up; it's too damn poetic to leave out and would have to be purposefully passed over if R is back since it's about as perfect story team up as you can *get* in that case. (Oh yeah since I didn't explain it above-Whip gets on that team for a few reasons. One, I feel Leona is more attached to Ralf/Clark from a 'battle buddy' standpoint, though Whip was with them before. Two I think it will give her character a chance to branch out more. Three, both her and Adel have some awesome family drama that go on in their lives they can bond over. So I could see them doing this team, even though it's a wish team.) 


Now that we have some hard conformation of 'Yes, people are resurrected and they are IN THE GAME' beyond the Ash ending, the manga bits, and the SNK Heroines ending, this definitely opens up more gates. Folks were somewhat skeptical still about the resurrections; I can *kinda* get that since it's a pretty big floodgate to open. Remember: Mature and Vice are ghosts, and not technically alive. They simply are able to take corporeal form for limited amounts of time. I can understand the hesitation of thinking they'd do it again, but yeah, the story is pointing there. Ash was shown, but he was only shown as a silhouette in the endings and manga; he wasn't shown back-back yet. 

But yeah, I think also not only did Yashiro give some backing to the resurrection theories, his announcement which included ''The Four Heavenly Kings' could have well low-key insinuated *Goenitz* as well. 

So we'll see if that little list of mine continues to at least be somewhat correct. Maybe it'll be correct on a bunch of teams, maybe I'll nail the *characters* mostly but some teams will be off...we shall see! 

As for NEXT week's prediction? Well hell if I know at this point. It could be one of the other Band Team. It could be someone from AoF. Or Women's Team. 

Or they just unload into another team again and just keep dropping random characters. I DO think that probably by the end of the spring it'll swap over to teams almost out of necessity, but in any case, so far, so good!

Tuning in next week(I'll probably write something before then of course. Or I'll try.) 

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