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Monday, January 23, 2017

Tekken 7 Release Date, Trailer, and Other Info

Okay, so we got the T7 Story Trailer! (Note: I don't think this is the Intro Trailer. Maybe it is? I don't know.)

Here is some linked info, right from Fighter's Generation:

June 2nd is the date. Yeah, it's a bit later than expected, but as we see in the article; better to wait and put out something complete, especially after the mess SFV's release was. I think they're doing the right thing. 

So okay. Basically from what i can tell they're leaving off from T6's Scenario Campaign PRETTY accurately. I mean all the characters there were involved with said Scenario Campaign in different capacities.  I mean there's even the minigun, which if you remember WAS a pick-up weapon in the SC. So yeah, I can see where they're going with that. 

And of course, given my favorite dude is more of a bit player, there is no Sergei to be found, alas. Maybe they'll let him body mooks in the proper CG intro like he did in the novel? The ones it didn't even show you him murdering he was so brutal? XD

To go down the line(and then touch on the new characters):

Jin is coming out of the desert, and he indeed did end up in the desert after Azazel. So that's accurate. Lars apparently finds him and defends him, which is pretty cool(unsure when this is taking part, but it seems to happen.) 

Later on Lars is seen with Lee and Alisa. Okay, this also matches up SC. Now why Lars pulls a gun on Lee I'm not sure(they seemed friendly enough in the SC), but judging by the shot later, stuff irons out. 

Now a bit of a 'what' part seems to be Nina attacking Heihachi(I guess she's still working for Jin...maybe...but...Hei and Kaz are rivals, and Jin is rivals to both of them, and to be frank Nina hasn't been successful in a mission in forever so I don't think she was actually hired to do this. It seems to be in Heihachi's storyline anyway.) Then she fights Alisa...but is still with Jin...and Lars...who is with Alisa and I'm sure we'll figure that out eventually but that seems to be some of the WTF. Maybe Alisa's programming goes weird on Nina. (Or Alisa who hasn't met Nina yet ends up finding her before the others and thinks she's an enemy, until they others catch up and say 'Oh she's with us.' Which seems plausible.) Then again Lee ends up fighting Alisa, so maybe it's a programming thing after all. Who knows. We'll just handwave it and wait and see. XD

Claudio now is apparently being tracked by Heihachi, which makes sense(he's an exorcist, exorcists go after devils)-and I guess Hei is looking to outsource to him. Meanwhile you see the Kazumi fight, and I'm going to speculate this is a flashback to back when Heihachi kills her. I'm guessing Kazumi(in spirit form, look, KoF has playable spirits in the form of Mature and Vice, Kazumi can be a spirit) outsources to Akuma to deal with Heihachi. We'll see if Akuma is actually Kazuya's daddy. Or something. 

Heihachi fights a Jack, which given they're from G-Corp, makes sense, though you'd think at this point they'd realise Jacks are no match for any sort of MIshima. Hell, Jacks aren't a match for more normal characters. Poor Jacks. XD But, well, Heihachi fights a Jack and that he would do so makes sense!. 

IMO Lars wins the badass award of the trailer; things almost seem to be going toward the novel with that, in fact, heheheh. Actually there seem to be several novel-esque scenes; Jin ending up a bit messed up and defended by Lars, Nina getting bodied by Heihachi(though she appears to not get bodied as bad here as she does in the novel where she's within an inch of her life along with Eddy), Lars looking over an unconscious Jin who I suppose is wearing more clothing than he does in the novel because of the R-12 rating. 

Some other tidbits are Babby!Kazuya's training montage, the famous cliff drop, and Heihachi vs. Akuma. 

Alrighty, so now that the trailer synopsis is out of the way, I'm going to go over some of the product details. Some things are a little...odd. 

-The CE isn't odd, it's awesome. You can see it above in the links and I am so getting it. The statue looks great!

-I for one am very glad that they decided to not put it out unfinished. Even if it's delayed, I mean, with all of the flack SFV got and still gets for being an unfinished and bumpy product...I can't understand why folks would have wanted this out with less features. Yeah, it's been a bit of a wait but I believe in the old Miyamoto saying when it comes to rushing games. 

-Pre-order and console exclusive costumes are interesting; wouldn't have expected it but that's a thing games do now, so it's not too surprising. I'm QUITE happy to see T4 Jin though, let me tell you-I think that announcement alone caused a few internet stiffies. T2 King is pretty awesome as well! 

-The season pass is interesting. It has stuff including two unreleased characters. So this could be the combo of Lei/Julia/Mokujin/New!TakkeyonDude or something. Or whoever. Will they release more over time I wonder like in 2018, a couple characters at a time? 

-Now, the part that has some skeptical, and myself included, is the pre-order bonus of Eliza. Now, Eliza being in, I don't mind, I'm neutral to her, we have a fireball character in Akuma and she was a pretty easy carry over from TR. I'm skeptical, however, of the pre-order part. While I would expect this from NRS, this is not something I'd expect from BN, particularly with the hardline anti-DLC stance they had taken in the past.

Characters like this probably have to be tournament-banned(not everyone can access them, or they should be, until they become widely available), and Eliza is...a weird choice to have for a pre-order since with, say, Goro in MK, he was a very old classic around since the first game. Eliza is a relatively new character who some people never even unlocked and who isn't really the type to make pre-orders fly off the shelves like, say, 'Pre-order and get Lei', or even 'Pre-Order and get Mokujin'. I'm not quite sure what's going on with this from a product standpoint, I guess? On one hand, I can say it feels like they're NOT trying to milk the players(which, honestly, someone more popular/classic may have felt), but on the other, if it's a new and lesser known character...yeah, I mean, I know it's probably financial reasons but it just sorta puzzles me is all.

All in all though I'm hype, and again, I personally don't mind the wait. I have KoF 14(and 13, and '98) that I play, I have GG: Revelator(which is getting upgraded with Rev2 this spring with business ninjas), Yakuza 0 and other odds and ends(and that's besides my writing material.) While I am curious about the future content(Season Pass content, the pre-order character), I'll see how stuff pans out there. I'm hoping a couple other fav characters get awesome stuff in a couple of cutscenes(or at least an intro), and I look forward to the variety of costumes that might be popping up! 

Of course I'd have loved it to be March-April, but yeah, again, after seeing what happened with other games, it's best to not rush it. 

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